Declaring Economics
Declaring an Economics Major or Minor
The Economics Advising team will guide students through the major or minor declaration process. Students can declare an Economics major or minor at any point, however, we recommend declaring early to receive access to departmental resources such as scholarships, networking and research opportunities, and academic support.
There are four major pathways and two minors in the Department of Economics. By clicking on the major or minor below you will be directed to the declaration module in Canvas. Once you are in the Canvas module, read through the pages, take the quizzes (score 100%), and complete the Economics declaration form. If you would like to meet with an Economics advisor to discuss your major sequencing or ways to get involved with the Department, please make an appointment.
Students can declare at any point, however, we recommend declaring early in order to access departmental resources such as scholarships, networking and research opportunities, and academic support.
Economics BA-B (Business Economics Emphasis) - STARTING FALL 2024
Foundational Courses
The foundational courses to progress into upper-level requirements in Economics are:
- ECON 1101 - Principles of Microeconomics
- ECON 1102 - Principles of Macroeconomics
- MATH 1142 - Short Calculus OR Math 1271 - Calculus I
Students interested in pursuing a BS, BA-Q, or Econometrics minor will need to take MATH 1271 - Calculus I to progress in the Math requirements for the majors and minor. Short Calculus will not count toward the BS, BA-Q and Econometrics minor.