
Welcome to Undergraduate Advising in Economics

Students can declare an Economics major or minor through the online module in Canvas. In addition, students can meet with an Economics advisors to discuss course selection, registration, major requirements, transfer credits, and important resources on campus to increase student success and retention. Economics advisors can also direct students on how to get involved in the Department, whether through student organizations, leadership roles, and/or research. Take advantage of their expertise!

For any advising-related questions email [email protected] or make an appointment

Meet the Advisors

Students may schedule an appointment with one of the two advisors and send questions to them at any time at [email protected]. The advisors will make every effort to answer your questions in a timely manner. In your email be sure to include:

  • Your first and last name
  • Your student ID number
  • A brief explanation of your question or concern

Peer Advisor Drop-in Hours

Drop-in advising hours with peer advisors are Wednesdays from 11:30am-3:30pm. To log into to drop in hours visit Students can make also make an appointment with an Economics Advisor.

What kind of questions can be answered in drop-in hours?

  • How to declare an economics major or minor
  • Questions regarding peer experience in economics courses
  • Semester planning for economics courses
  • Course access questions
  • Transfer course evaluations questions

Attend virtual drop in hours

Declaring an Economics Major or Minor

The advisors will guide students through the major declaration process. Please refer to the declaring an Economics major or minor page to learn more.

Listserv Account for Economics Students

The economics department has a mailing list (listserv) for economics majors and minors; the address is [email protected]. All economics students are automatically members of this group. If you are a declared economics major or minor and are not on this list (i.e., you have not been receiving emails from this address), please notify the advisors at [email protected].

The department sends out information via the undergraduate student newsletter about special events, seminars, talks, internships, job opportunities, University and/or departmental policies changes and other pertinent information through the listserv. 

Please make sure that you’re consistently checking your UMN x500 email account.

Economics Internships, Jobs, and Opportunities Website

Our students can find internships, jobs, and opportunities related to the field of economics on the Economics Internships, Jobs, and Opportunities website. The site will be updated on a rolling basis. 

Additionally, more opportunities can be found on Handshake at the University of Minnesota, a database of job and internship listings.