Academic and Study Abroad Scholarships

Please contact Mike Houlahan with questions. 

2024-2025 Academic Scholarship application closed on March 13th, 2024 at 12pm (CST). 

Study Abroad Scholarship application for Spring & Summer 2024 closed Dec. 6, 2023 at 12pm (CST)

The Department of Psychology is proud to offer Donald G. Paterson and Junita J. Mortensen Academic Scholarships for psychology undergraduate students. Students may receive these awards in addition to any other College of Liberal Arts award, only if financial need has been demonstrated.

Each year several academic scholarships and one study abroad scholarship, each in the amount of at least $1,000, are awarded to undergraduate psychology students to support their education and academic enhancement within the discipline. 

Donald G. Paterson Academic Scholarships in Psychology &

Junita J. Mortensen Academic Scholarships in Psychology

These academic scholarships are intended for psychology undergraduate majors to apply toward the cost of tuition, fees, and books. Selection criteria include:

  1. Strength of student's academic record and promise. (GPA 3.5 and higher)
  2. Depth of involvement in the discipline and clarity of academic purpose. (Students that have completed multiple upper-level PSY courses)
  3. Strength of student's personal statement.
  4. Past involvement in relevant extracurricular, volunteer, research, and work activities. (As evidenced in student's resume)

    2024-2025 Academic Scholarship Application is closed; deadline was on March 13th at 12:00pm (CST)

Mortensen Study Abroad Scholarship in Psychology

The Study Abroad Scholarship in Psychology will be awarded to a psychology major studying abroad for a summer, a semester, or for an academic year. Short-term programs that are not sponsored by Psychology faculty are ineligible. Selection criteria include:

  1. Academic performance in the major.
  2. Strength of student's statement and letter of recommendation.
  3. The student's plan for integration of study abroad within their psychology major academic plan.
  4. Whether or not the student has had a previous study abroad experience. (Preference given to those planning their first experience)

    2024 Mortensen Study Abroad Scholarship closed December 6, 2023 12:00pm (CST).

Eligibility for Mortensen Scholarships

Eligible candidates must:

  1. Be currently enrolled CLA undergraduates with a formally declared major in psychology.
  2. Have completed 30, but typically not more than 75, semester credits by the end of the fall term prior to their application submission. Applicants with more than 75 credits should submit a statement describing their need for an additional year of academic work.

How to Apply

Applications for the Mortensen and Paterson Academic Scholarships are typically available in mid-Spring semester for the following academic year. Deadline and application availability is posted in the Psych Scoop newsletter. 2024-2025 Academic Scholarship Application is closed; deadline was on March 13th at 12:00pm (CST)