Mortensen Travel & Research Awards

Application Deadline

We accept applications for Mortensen Travel and Research Awards on a rolling basis throughout the academic year until the annual award funds are exhausted.

The Mortensen Travel Award is available for undergraduate psychology majors who are presenting a poster or paper at an undergraduate research conference or professional psychological conference. The award is granted to undergraduate psychology majors for use toward research projects undertaken in collaboration with the Department of Psychology or affiliated faculty.

Honors thesis projects, major projects, or other student-initiated research endeavors for which appropriate research-related expenses have been or will be incurred are eligible for research awards.

Awards of up to $500 will be granted to selected participants. Each student is limited to one Mortensen Travel or Research Award per academic year.

How to Apply

Submit a single PDF file of the application materials (the documents listed below) to Mike Houlahan at

Application Materials

  • Application Form (PDF): This should serve as the cover sheet for your application materials.
  • Project description (one-page maximum). If appropriate, an abstract is acceptable.
  • Statement of Expenses (PDF): Create a list of each of the expenses you expect to have for your travels or research. You will be required to submit receipts for your expenses within 30 days of expenditures in order to be reimbursed. Reimbursement for time spent working on a research project is not an eligible expense.
  • [For Travel Awards only] Notification of conference acceptance: attach a copy of the letter of notification stating that you have been accepted as a conference presenter.