Capstone (BS)

The capstone (formerly "Major Project") in psychology (as a registered course) is designed to be the culmination of the experience of your work in the psychology major.

Through your capstone course, you will:

  • Synthesize the knowledge you have gained about the discipline over your time as a psychology major
  • Network with psychology alumni for advice and professional connections and hear them speak about their varied professional career paths
  • Write a 15–20 page APA-style paper on a topic in psychology

To learn more about the course expectations, please review the Capstone Syllabus

Capstone closed?

​Psychology advising manages an internal waitlist for students who are unable to secure a seat in the course, or who cannot secure a seat in their preferred section. Email immediately to be placed on a waitlist.

How to Register

  1. Check your APAS to ensure you have completed the prerequisites for capstone*: 
    • PSY foundation courses (PSY 1001, 3801, 3001W)
    • All 5 of the PSY distribution areas (A, B, and C)
    • At least 12 credits of outside psychology foundation coursework 
    • Senior status (90+ cumulative credits)
  2. Register for PSY 3901W. 
  3. Arrange to receive PSY 4/5993 credit for working in the lab of a faculty member.

*Note: Psychology Undergraduate Advising closely monitors capstone enrollment to ensure that all students have fulfilled the necessary prerequisites. You may be dropped from the course if the prerequisites are not met. If you have questions about preparing for your capstone course, email

Capstone in Psychology - Research Laboratory: PSY 3901W and PSY 4/5993

The Psychology BS capstone includes two components:

  • Capstone in Psychology: Research Laboratory (PSY 3901W, 3 credits)
  • Assisting in the lab of a faculty member (PSY 4/5993, 3 credits)
    • This must be fulfilled during the semester prior to or concurrently with PSY 3901W

The research lab capstone allows you to take full advantage of the abundance of psychological research happening right here in the Department of Psychology. In this course, you will draw from your experience in a faculty research lab (PSY 4/5993) to help develop the topic of your capstone paper for the PSY 3901W class. You are required to secure a research experience in a faculty member's lab for PSY 4/5993 credits (3 credit minimum) either the semester prior to or concurrently with your PSY 3901W enrollment. If you are in the process of finding a research lab experience, register for PSY 3901W as this course fills quickly.

Before class begins: Arrange to assist in the lab of a faculty member through PSY 4/5993.

The Capstone video describes the different capstone courses, but Psychology BS students must take PSY 3901W and PSY 4/5993 to fulfill the requirement.