Declare Your Major

Ready to declare?

  1. Complete the online Major Declaration Module (takes approximately 30-40 minutes to complete).
  2. Review the Psychology BA or Psychology BS requirements.
  3. Submit an appointment request form with the link provided at the end of the completed module. You must receive 100% on the scavenger hunt and be logged into your University email to access this form. 
  4. Attend the 40-minute major declaration appointment with a psychology advisor. For the appointment, you must email a copy of the Educational Planning Questionnaire to [email protected].
IMPORTANT: If you do not provide the completed materials, you will be asked to reschedule your appointment.

What will happen at my major declaration appointment?

At your 40-minute major declaration appointment, the advisor discuss your Educational Planning Questionnaire, review the requirements and course planning for the Psychology BA or BS (and your BS planning sheet, if applicable), discuss the many resources available to you through Psychology Undergraduate Advising, and electronically declare your major. 

How often should I come back to meet with advising after I declare?

You are encouraged to make an appointment at least once per semester. In addition, when you have completed between 75–90 credits, you are invited to set up a junior/senior check-in appointment. You may also visit our designated drop-in hours for quick questions (5–10 minutes per student). 

Interested in declaring a Psychology minor? 

To declare a Psychology or Health Psychology minor, please visit the Minor in Psychology or the Minor in Health Psychology page. Minors are declared entirely online.