Second Language Resources
The University offers you over 25 different world languages, representing nations and cultures all over the globe and right here in the Twin Cities. We have resources to help you achieve your language goals and put your skills to work.
- CLA Language Center: Resources for students like computer labs with software for language learning and media and equipment
- CLA Language Testing Program: Resource for language placement and language proficiency exams
- TandemPlus: Organizes opportunities for language students to practice and improve their abilities by pairing them with a native speaker
- Learning Abroad Center: A learning abroad experience is often the single most important and rewarding activity a student engages in during their academic career
- Living Learning Communities: Dedicated areas of residence halls where students with specific interests live together. Some Living Learning Communities are organized around a language.
- CLA Career Services: Helps students maximize their academic and career exploration opportunities while at the University of Minnesota
- Chinese Flagship: Provides resources to expand language learning opportunities and intensive experiences to exceptionally committed undergraduate students of Chinese
- Chinese Certificate of Advanced-Level Proficiency: An option for students who are interested in achieving advanced-level proficiency in Chinese and having their skills formally recognized.
- French Certificate of Advanced-Level Proficiency: An option for students who are interested in achieving advanced-level proficiency in French and having their skills formally recognized.
- German Certificate of Advanced-Level Proficiency: An option for students who are interested in achieving advanced-level proficiency in German and having their skills formally recognized.
- Spanish Certificate of Advanced-Level Proficiency: An option for students who are interested in achieving advanced-level proficiency in Spanish and having their skills formally recognized.
- Dakota and Ojibwe Teaching Certificates: The Dakota Iapi Unspewicakiyapi and the Ojibwemodaa Eta! certificates, developed by the Department of American Indian Studies, help meet the community need for Dakota and Ojibwe speakers
- CourseShare: Uses technology for instruction and communication to expand the opportunities for language study available at any one university. Courseshare has brought new languages to the University, including Indonesian, Persian (Farsi), Vietnamese, and Yoruba, and has expanded the opportunities for current students of Korean and Finnish. Look for course offerings at the LANG course subject, and email [email protected] to inquire about a language not currently offered on campus.
- Scholarships for Language Students: Search for scholarships to support your language studies.