Double Majors, Minors & Degrees
Pursuing a Double Major or Minor
Students may earn a major or minor in economics from CLA while pursuing a degree in another University of Minnesota Twin Cities college. Only the courses for the economics major or minor need to be completed. The transcript indicates that the student completed the major (or minor) but does not indicate that a second degree has been awarded. To pursue this option:
- Meet with one of the economics undergraduate advisors to complete a major program form or minor program form. This form lists the courses that can be used to fulfill the requirements for the major or minor.
- Once your form has been approved it will be electronically submitted to the CLA Student Information Office.
- They will notify your current college that the major or minor should be added to your existing records.
- At graduation time CLA advisors will verify completion of your economics major or minor.
Pursuing a Double Degree
Students in other colleges may earn a second degree from CLA. These students must complete all of the major requirements for economics and all of the other requirements for the College of Liberal Arts (including the CLA second language requirement, if the second degree is a BA or BA-Q).
To pursue this option:
- Meet with one of the economics undergraduate advisors to complete a major program form. This form lists the courses that can be used to fulfill the requirements for the major.
- Once your form has been approved it will be submitted to the CLA Student Information Office.
- They will notify your current college that the major should be added to your existing records.
- Submit an application for admission to your additional undergraduate degree program. This form is available as an online form (see forms online at OneStop).
- Once admitted to CLA you will need to attend a short CLA orientation meeting. At that time you will be assigned to a CLA student community and to a CLA academic advisor. You should schedule a balance sheet appointment with that person so that you are clear on your remaining CLA requirements.
- At graduation time, your CLA advisor will verify the completion of your economics degree.