Research Opportunities
Undergraduate Resources Page
Directed Study allows you to design and carry out an independent project, working one-on-one with a faculty member. Check our Undergraduate Resources page for current research opportunities (as well as volunteer and internship opportunities) that are specific to the Department of Sociology. You can also meet with our advisor to discuss possible research topics or questions. Our advisor can help match you up with a specialized faculty member for your research topic.
Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (UROP)
The Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (UROP) supports research or creative projects undertaken in partnership with a faculty member. Financial awards of up to $1,700 are offered twice a year to full-time undergraduates. These grants provide you with an excellent opportunity to receive a stipend for work on a research project of your own design. Visit the UROP website or stop by their office in 233 Appleby Hall for more information. Contact our undergraduate advisor for information about getting started.
Kids Involvement and Diversity Study (KIDS)
The Kids Involvement and Diversity Study (KIDS), with Professors Doug Hartmann, Ann Meier, Teresa Toguchi Swartz, is a project examining the development, accessibility, and involvement in organized, out-of-school activities in the Twin Cities metro area using interviews, focus groups, ethnography, and community mapping with youth participants and parents. Activities studied range from competitive sports to summer day camps to youth symphony orchestras and are always expanding. Find more information and learn how to apply on the Undergraduate Resources page.
Sociology Research Institute
Each year, the sociology department celebrates student research at the Sociology Research Institute (SRI). Undergraduate sociology students are invited to submit research for award consideration, and as many as three undergrad student papers will receive awards. You may submit research from any course level, including course papers, articles, and senior projects. Your submitted research is judged based on class level as well as overall content.