Faculty and Library/Instructional Staff with Interests in Africa and African Diasporas
Name |
Contact | Department | Specialty |
Hassan Abdel Salam Assistant Professor |
[email protected] | Institute for Global Studies; Sociology | |
Hakim Abderrezak Associate Professor |
303C Folwell Hall 612-624-1074 [email protected] |
French & Italian | Mahgrebi and Beur literature, cinema and music; representations of clandestine migrations in Arabic, French, and Spanish |
Cawo Abdi Associate Professor |
1146 Soc Sci Building 612-624-3714 [email protected] |
Sociology | Migration; gender, race, and class; family; Islam; development studies; human rights; globalization; Africa; Middle East |
Akosua Addo Associate Professor |
150 Ferguson Hall 612-624-8516 [email protected] |
School of Music | Play; international teacher education; elementary music methods; international music education; world music; arts Integration; African music |
Eunice M. Areba Assistant Professor |
6-180 Weaver-Densford Hall 612-624-9605 [email protected] |
School of Nursing | |
Abimbola (Abi) Asojo Professor Associate Dean for Research, Creative Scholarship and Engagement |
[email protected] | Interior Design (College of Design) | Cross-cultural design, Architectural lighting design, African architecture, Computing and design, Global design |
Said Ahmed Teaching Specialist |
823 Social Sciences 612-624-8571 [email protected] |
African American & African Studies | Somali |
Ronald R Aminzade Professor Emeritus |
[email protected] | Sociology | Historical and comparative; political sociology; sociology of development; nationalism; race relations; social movements; democratic theory |
Ragui Assaad Professor |
252 Humphrey School 612-625-4856 [email protected] |
Humphrey School of Public Affairs | International economic development; labor market analysis; politics and economics of the Middle East and North Africa; urban planning; poverty in developing countries; quantitative methods; women's work in developing countries |
Keletso E Atkins Associate Professor |
852 Soc Sci Building 612-624-9847 [email protected] |
African American & African Studies | Africa, African diaspora, African labor history, South African history |
Nicole E. Basta Assisstant Professor |
300 West Bank Office Building 612-625-6616 [email protected] |
School of Public Health | |
Sophia Beal Associate Professor |
206D Folwell Hall 612-625-2331 [email protected] |
Spanish & Portuguese | Brazilian literature and cultural studies; Lusophone-African literature and cultural studies; urban studies; postcolonial studies |
Joyce M. Bell Associate Professor |
909 Soc Sci Building [email protected] |
Sociology | |
Peter Berthold Professor Emeritus |
[email protected] | School of Dentistry | |
Martha Bigelow Professor |
612-624-7087 [email protected] |
Department of Curriculum and Instruction, CEHD | |
David Boulware Associate Professor |
4-103 Microbiology Research Facility 612-624-1966 [email protected] |
Medical School | |
Mária Minich Brewer Associate Professor Emeritus |
[email protected] |
French & Italian | 20th-century French literature, culture, & theater |
Rose M Brewer Professor |
810 Soc Sci Building 612-624-9305 [email protected] |
African American & African Studies | African American women's studies, Black family life, class gender, intersection of economy, race, racism, sociology, women's studies, critical theory, social transformation |
David Chapman Professor Emeritus |
[email protected] |
Organizational Leadership, Policy, and Development (College of Education & Human Development) | Education planning in developing countries; government initiatives to influence practice at the school and classroom levels, with particular attention to developing countries; role of information (and information systems) in policy formulation and education planning; policy research; program evaluation; international issues in higher education |
Victoria B Coifman Assistant Professor |
825 Soc Sci Building 612-624-5709 [email protected] |
African American & African Studies | African history, comparative tropical history, development issues oral history, past and present urban and rural affairs, West and North African history, Islam |
Susan Craddock Professor |
425 Ford Hall 612-625-5535 [email protected] |
Gender, Women, & Sexuality Studies; Global Studies | |
Scott Currie Associate Professor |
132 Ferguson Hall 612-624-7512 [email protected] |
School of Music | |
Sarah Cusick Assistant Professor |
365 Global Pediatrics 612-626-1980 [email protected] |
Medical School | |
Joan Dejaeghere Professor |
211D Burton Hall 612-626-8258 [email protected] |
Organizational Leadership, Policy, and Development, CEHD | |
Kate Derickson Associate Professor |
414 Soc Sci Building 612-625-6080 [email protected] |
Geography, Environment, and Society | |
Audrey Dorélien Assistant Professor |
234 Humphrey School 612-626-7403 [email protected] |
Humphrey School of Public Affairs | |
Erin Durban-Albrecht Assistant Professor |
[email protected] | Global Studies; Anthropology | |
Ana Paula Ferreira Professor |
206C Folwell Hall 612-626-6909 [email protected] |
Spanish & Portuguese | Portuguese, Brazilian, and Lusophone African literatures |
Priscilla M. Flynn Associate Professor |
612-625-1639 [email protected] |
School of Dentistry | |
Michael Gallope Associate Professor |
210 Nicholson Hall 612-624-1538 [email protected] |
Cultural Studies & Comparative Literature | Music and sound; continental philosophy and critical theory; visual culture Black/African diaspora; theories of modernism |
Katharine Gerbner Assistant Professor |
1110 Heller Hall 612-624-3507 [email protected] |
History | |
Nasra H. Giama Assistant Professor |
390F University Square 507-258-8041 [email protected] |
School of Nursing | |
Njeri R Githire Associate Professor |
848 Soc Sci Building 612-625-1687 [email protected] |
African American & African Studies | African literary and cultural production, literatures of the African diaspora; literature of immigration and racial formation in the African diasporic spheres; women's writings and feminist theory; postcolonial theory and criticism; Francophone studies; food, (non)-eating, and related topics in literature |
Kathryn Grace Associate Professor |
558 Soc Sci Building 612-625-1397 [email protected] |
Geography, Environment, and Society | |
Malaika Grant Associate Librarian |
[email protected] | Libraries | Subject specialist for: African American studies, African studies; Harlem Renaissance; African history; immigration |
Jennifer M. Green Associate Clinical Professor |
95J Mondale Hall 612-625-7247 [email protected] |
Law School | |
Carol Hakim Associate Professor |
1235 Heller Hall 612-624-9043 [email protected] |
History | Nationalism and intellectual history, state formation, state-society relations, and authoritarianism in the Arab world, political and economic development of the Arab world in the late 19th- and 20th-centuries |
Claire Halpert Associate Professor |
S315 Elliott Hall 612-626-5400 [email protected] |
Linguistics | Syntax; prosody-syntax interface; linguistic field methods; case and agreement; Bantu linguistics |
Rachel Hardeman Assistant Professor |
D359 Mayo 612-626-2803 [email protected] |
School of Public Health | |
Douglas Hartmann Professor |
835 Soc Sci Building 612-624-0835 [email protected] |
Sociology, African American & African Studies | American society, culture, ethnographic studies, field methods, mass media, Midnight Basketball outreach programs, popular culture, race, social change, social movements, social uses of recreational programming, sport culture, theory, poorly understood institution in the modern world |
Mohamed Hassan Associate Professor |
MMC 36 612-624-9684 [email protected] |
School of Medicine | |
Scott Homler Program Director |
20 Nicholson Hall 612-626-4898 [email protected] |
Translation and Interpreting, CCAPS | |
Cynthia Howard Associate Professor |
366 Global Pediatrics 612-626-1980 [email protected] |
Medical School | |
Allen F Isaacman Regents Professor |
1110 Heller Hall 612-624-0383 [email protected] |
History, African American & African Studies | Agrarian change, Central and Southern Africa, comparative history, peasants, rural protest, slavery and maroon communities, social history of Mozambique, the agency of ordinary people, the nature of African resistance to European colonial domination, oral history, East Africa and problems in southern Africa. racial problems in southern Africa |
Zenzele Isoke Associate Professor |
437 Ford Hall 612-626-8954 [email protected] |
Gender, Women & Sexuality Studies; Political Science; African American & African Studies | U.S. Black women's politics and activism; Black feminist thought; urban studies; urban ethnography; feminist geography; feminist theory and methods |
Christopher Johnstone Assistant Professor |
211B Burton Hall 612-625-2505 [email protected] |
Organizational Leadership, Policy, and Development, CEHD | |
William P. Jones Professor |
1141 Heller Hall 612-625-7703 [email protected] |
History | |
Rhonda Jones-Webb Professor |
300 West Bank Office Building 612-626-8866 [email protected] |
School of Public Health | |
Jason T Kerwin Assistant Professor |
[email protected] | Applied Economics (College of Food, Agricultural and Natural Resource Sciences) | Health and labor markets in sub-Saharan Africa (Malawi and Uganda) |
Muhammed Khalifa Associate Professor |
332 Burton Hall 612-625-5663 [email protected] |
Organizational Leadership, Policy, and Development, CEHD | |
Alan Lifson Professor |
300 West Bank Office Building 612-626-9697 [email protected] |
School of Public Health; Medical School | |
Malinda A Lindquist Associate Professor |
1139 Heller Hall 612-626-4263 [email protected] |
History | African-American history, U.S. history, racial-gender theory, manhood in the Americas, feminist theory |
Enid Logan Associate Professor |
956 Soc Sci Building 612-624-3598 [email protected] |
Sociology | Blackness in the Americas, Contemporary U.S. Race Relations; Race & the Body, Race & Electoral Politics, Blacks and Social Class, Afro-Latin America |
Patricia Lorcin Professor |
1020 Heller Hall 612-626-4269 [email protected] |
History | Modern France, Western Imperialism, Colonial/Postcolonial, Mediterranean |
Michael Lower Associate Professor |
1122 Heller Hall 612-624-2800 [email protected] |
History | North Africa in the Middle Ages, Medieval Europe, the Crusades, Christian-Muslim Relations |
Saje M Mathieu Associate Professor |
1233 Heller Hall 612-625-7769 [email protected] |
History | African American history since Reconstruction, 20th century American history, Migration, social movements and political resistance |
Marilena Mattos Senior Teaching Specialist |
206A Folwell Hall 612-626-1371 [email protected] |
Spanish & Portuguese | Portuguese |
Keith A Mayes Associate Professor |
827 Soc Sci Building 612-624-5202 [email protected] |
African American & African Studies | African-American History, 19th and 20th century, Kwanzaa and Black holidays, Civil Rights and Black Power Movement, Black History and Educational Policy, African American Public History |
Kieran P McNulty Professor |
383 Hubert H. Humphrey Center 612-625-0058 [email protected] |
Anthropology | Paleoanthropology, Human and primate evolution, Geometric morphometrics, Cranial evolution and ontogeny, East Africa |
Stephen Meili Associate Professor; Director |
190M Mondale Hall 612-626-3972 [email protected] |
Law School; Immigration and Human Rights Clinic | |
Sowah Mensah Affiliated Faculty |
[email protected] | School of Music | |
Angaluki Muaka | 856 Social Sciences 612-625-0185 [email protected] |
African American & African Studies | Swahili |
Melanie Nichol Assistant Professor |
4-210 McGuire Translation Research Facility 612-301-9511 [email protected] |
College of Pharmacy | |
August Nimtz Professor |
1414 Soc Sci Building 612-624-4144 [email protected] |
Political Science; African American & African Studies | African politics, comparative politics, ethnic politics, Marxism, political development, politics of the transition to socialism, political economy |
Tade O Okediji Associate Professor |
868 Social Sciences 612-624-8957 [email protected] |
African American & African Studies; Applied Economics (College of Food, Agricultural and Natural Resource Sciences) | Social and behavioral sciences, public policy and development, Africa and African diasporic studies |
Kent D Olson Professor Associate Dean, Extension Center for Community Vitality |
[email protected] | Applied Economics (College of Food, Agricultural and Natural Resource Sciences) | Agribusiness management & finance; agricultural policy; crop production; farm management; human resource; management; sustainable agriculture. He has worked in Sweden, Poland, Uganda, and Italy. |
Yuichiro Onishi Associate Professor |
808 Soc Sci Building 612-624-9847 [email protected] |
African American & African Studies | Black radicalism and internationalism, African American history, Transnational American studies, Critical race studies, Asian American studies |
Sonali Pahwa Assistant Professor |
Rarig C 612-301-3917 [email protected] |
Theatre Arts & Dance | |
Leigh Payne Senior Research Fellow |
[email protected] | Institute for Global Studies; Political Science | Transitional justice and transitions from authoritarian rule in Latin America and South Africa |
Chrystian Pereira Assistant Professor |
7-175 Weaver-Densford Hall 612-343-7136 [email protected] |
College of Pharmacy | |
Michael Pitt Associate Professor; Director |
M653 East Building 612-625-6678 [email protected] |
Medical School; Global Health Education | |
Paul Porter Professor |
[email protected] | Agronomy and Plant Genetics (College of Food, Agricultural and Natural Resource Sciences) | Research and education; cropping systems, agroecology, rye cover crop, world food problems; evaluating starvation; agroecosystems; analysis field course; agroecosystems of the world, and environment; global food production, and the citizen; food and agriculture from Cairo to Cape Town at 10 mph; food and agriculture from Buenos Aires to Lima at 10 mph |
Elliott Powell Assistant Professor |
104 Scott Hall [email protected] |
American Studies | |
Ioana Vartolomei Pribiag Assistant Professor |
314 Folwell Hall 612-624-4308 [email protected] |
French and Italian | |
Michael T. Rhodes Assistant Professor |
D657 Mayo 612-624-1191 [email protected] |
Medical School | |
Cheryl L. Robertson Professor |
5-140 Weaver-Densford Hall 612-626-6450 [email protected] |
School of Nursing | |
Melissa A. Saftner Clinical Associate Professor |
6-165 Weaver-Densford Hall 218-726-7699 [email protected] |
School of Nursing | |
Joachin J. Savelsberg Professor; Arsham and Charlotte Ohanessian Chair |
1144 Soc Sci Building 612-624-0273 [email protected] |
Sociology; Law School | |
Abdi I Samatar Professor |
414 Soc Sci Building 612-625-6080 [email protected] |
Geography, Environment & Society | Development theory and the state, capitalist development, environment and development, political economy, agrarian change, Ethnic politics, East and Southern Africa, Third World, Islamic world, Botswana, Somalia, Ethiopia |
Daniel J Schroeter Professor |
1018 Heller Hall 612-624-2800 [email protected] |
History | Jewish studies, Middle East, North Africa, World history |
Rachel Schurman Professor |
1074 Soc Sci Building 612-624-4300 [email protected] |
Sociology | Agri-food Studies, Political Sociology, Social Movements, Global Political Economy, Development/Post-Development Studies |
Karl D. Self Associate Professor |
8-274 Moos Tower 612-625-2161 [email protected] |
School of Dentistry | |
Roozbeh Shirazi Assistant Professor |
315 Burton Hall 612-624-2367 [email protected] |
Organizational Leadership, Policy, and Development, CEHD | |
Tina Slusher Professor |
365 Global Pediatrics 612-626-1980 [email protected] |
Medical School | |
Catherine Squires Professor |
225 Ford Hall 612-624-5800 [email protected] |
Gender, Women & Sexuality Studies; Communication Studies | Media, race and politics; Gender and media studies; Public sphere studies; Community-engaged research |
William Stauffer Professor |
612-624-9996 [email protected] |
Medical School | |
Charles J Sugnet Professor Emeritus |
[email protected] | English | Postcolonial literature, fiction and film of the African diaspora, creative nonfiction writing, the contemporary novel, multi-cultural instruction in the high schools |
Shaden M Tageldin Associate Professor |
218 Nicholson Hall 612-625-8445 [email protected] |
Cultural Studies & Comparative Literature | 19th- and 20th-century literatures in English, Arabic, French; Trans-African and Trans-Asian studies; Empire and postcolonial studies; critical translation theory; politics of language, literary form, genre; histories and ideologies of comparative literature; aesthetics and biologics of race, nation, culture; literatures of migration and diaspora |
Martha Tappen Associate Professor |
395 Hubert H. Humphrey Center 612-625-3087 [email protected] |
Anthropology | Human evolution and adaptations, out of Africa I, paleoenvironments, Stone Age archaeology, zooarchaeology, taphonomy |
Ben Trappey Assistant Professor |
612-625-2307 [email protected] |
Medical School | |
Christian Uwe Assistant Professor |
146A Nicholson Hall 612-624-8099 [email protected] |
Cultural Studies and Comparative Literature | |
Katrien Vanpee Lecturer; Director of Arabic Language Instruction |
220 Folwell Hall 612-624-0580 [email protected] |
Asian Languages and Literatures | |
Frances Vavrus Professor |
[email protected] | Organizational Leadership, Policy and Development (College of Education & Human Development) | Comparative and international education; education and population change; gender and development; international development policy and practice; secondary and teacher education in Sub-Saharan Africa |
Michael Westerhaus Assistant Professor; Co-Director |
651-647-2100 [email protected] |
Medical School; SocMed | |
Elizabeth Wieling Associate Professor; Director |
293 McNaulty Hall 612-625-8106 [email protected] |
Family Social Science, CEHD; Couples & Family Therapy Program | |
Yolanda Y Williams Instructor |
836 Social Sciences 612-624-0122 [email protected] |
African American & African Studies | African American music cultures, jazz, blues, gospel, feminism |
Terrion Williamson Assistant Professor |
852 Social Sciences 612-626-7587 [email protected] |
African American and African Studies | |
Josef Woldense Assistant Professor |
878 Social Sciences 612-624-0122 [email protected] |
African American and African Studies; Political Science | |
John S Wright Professor |
883 Soc Sci Building 612-624-0845 [email protected] |
African American & African Studies | American and Afro-American literature, intellectual history and popular culture, folklore and oral tradition, sociology of literature, feminist criticism, Harlem Renaissance, Black Arts Movement, Langston Hughes |
Stuart Yeh Associate Professor |
243 Burton Hall 612-624-0285 [email protected] |
Organizational Leadership, Policy, and Development, CEHD | |
Anteneh Zewde Assistant Professor |
D694 Mayo 612-301-1409 [email protected] |
Medical School |