Undergraduate Minor in Sociology

Looking to complement your major from another department?  Our Sociology minor is an excellent addition to any undergraduate program.  Whether their major is a hard science, arts and humanities, or another social science discipline, students find our discipline-specific insight into power structures, inequality, racism, globalization, work, and health and legal systems to be relevant to their careers after graduation.

Declare Your Minor

To declare your minor, download the General Minor Declaration Form (PDF). Fill out the Minor Declaration Form and email it to sociology advising at [email protected] or deliver the form to 909 Social Sciences Building.

Students are encouraged to declare their minor early; there are no pre-requisites to declaring.  We will also add you to our listserve once you declare.   


Sociology minors are designed to enhance study in other majors, so students may not both major and minor in Sociology programs. All of the minor credits must be completed on the A/F grade basis with a grade of C- or better in each course.  The Sociology minor is built around Soc 3701 Social Theory (4 credits) and 4 electives.