Faculty by Research Specialty

For information and descriptions of each area of research, please visit the Research Specialties page.

American Politics

Name Email
Christopher Federico [email protected]
Paul Goren [email protected]
Lawrence Jacobs [email protected]
Timothy R. Johnson [email protected]
Andrew Karch [email protected]
Howard Lavine [email protected]
Michael Minta [email protected]
C. Daniel Myers [email protected]
Kathryn Pearson [email protected]
Joe Soss [email protected]

Comparative Politics

Name Email
Teri Caraway [email protected]
Kathleen Collins [email protected]
Lisa Hilbink [email protected]
Kevin Luo [email protected]
August Nimtz [email protected]
David J. Samuels [email protected]
Anoop Sarbahi [email protected]

International Relations

Name Email
Mark Bell [email protected]
Tanisha Fazal [email protected]
Helen M Kinsella [email protected]
Ron Krebs [email protected]
Jane Sumner [email protected]


Name Email
Christopher Federico [email protected]
Paul Goren [email protected]
James Hollyer [email protected]
C. Daniel Myers [email protected]
Jane Sumner [email protected]

Political Psychology

Name Email
Eugene Borgida [email protected]
Chris Federico [email protected]
Paul Goren [email protected]
Howard Lavine [email protected]
C. Daniel Myers [email protected]
Benjamin Toff [email protected]
Emily Vraga
Director of Graduate Studies, Political Psychology Minor
[email protected]

Political Theory

Name Email
Anuja Bose [email protected]
Arash Davari [email protected]
Nancy Luxon [email protected]
Anurag Sinha [email protected]

Political Economy

Name Email
Teri Caraway [email protected]
James Hollyer [email protected]
David J. Samuels [email protected]
Jane Sumner [email protected]