Affiliated Faculty

Below are the affiliated faculty for the Department of Premodern Studies.

Affiliated Faculty

2022 Picture of S. Ahearne-Kroll

Stephen Ahearne-Kroll

He, him, his


Intersection of Greek and Roman culture with Early Christinaity; Development of Early Christianity; New Testament; Greek Religion and Ritual; Religion in Popular Culture; Study of Judaism and Christianity in antiquity; Ancient constructions of gender; Intertextuality and the New Testament

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Elaine Auyoung



Aesthetic Experience; Education and Learning in the Humanities; Methods of Reading; Nineteenth-Century British Literature and Culture; Psychological Approaches to the Arts; Literature and Philosophy; Epistemic Injustice

Timothy Brennan

Timothy Brennan


Problems of world literature and globalization; Intellectuals and the media; Postcolonial theory; Music of the African diaspora; Continental literary and cultural theory; 19th and 20th-century comparative literature


Tony C. Brown


Continental and Political Philosophy; Early Modern and Enlightenment Philosophy, Anthropology and Literature; The Animal, the Human and the Non-Human; The State and Statelessness; Aesthetic Theory and the Sublime; Deconstruction; Marxism; Colonialism and Imperialism; Literature and Literary Theory

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Cesare Casarino


Literary and visual cultures of HIV/AIDS; Modern and contemporary continental philosophy; Nineteenth- and twentieth-century comparative literatures; Literary theory; European cinemas; Theories of gender and sexuality


Sarah C. Chambers



Andean region; Colonial Latin American history; Cultural and legal history; Transition between the end of the colonial period and the formation of republican nations; Gender history; Chile

David Chang portrait

David Aiona Chang

he, him, ʻoia


Race and Nationalism; Indigenous History; U.S. West; Native Hawaiian History; Indigenous Studies; United States Colonialism; United States, Nineteenth- and Twentieth-Century History

Photo of Juliette Cherbuliez in Lyon, France, May 2023

Juliette Cherbuliez

Director, Center for Premodern Studies


Ethics and experience of violence; 17th-century French literature and culture, esp. drama and the novel; Dramatic literature, theater history, performance studies; Libertinism and free-thinking; Feminist Theory and Philosophy

Gabriela in Rome

Gabriela Currie


Global perspectives: historical ethnomusicology (pre- and early-modern); Eurasian music iconography and archaeology; Early ethnographic accounts of musical traditions in Eurasia and Africa; Intersections between musical and scientific thought in the early- and pre-modern eras; Music and culture of the Balkan Penninsula, Western and Central Asia

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Andrew Elfenbein


British literature, history, and culture, 1700-1900; influence study; queer theory; history of English; cognition and reading; the study of authorship; empirical psychology and literary study

Ana Paula Ferreira 2024

Ana Paula Ferreira

she / ela / ella / they


Decolonial Studies of Lusophone Literatures and Cultures; "Race" and Racial Mixings in the Portuguese and Spanish-speaking South; Women Writers, Feminisms, and Portuguese Colonialism in Africa (1890-1975)

a woman with long brown hair wearing a dark blue velvet button-up shirt stand before a grove of Aspen trees

Alia Goehr



Ming- and Qing-period Chinese literature; Chinese Religions; The Novel & World Literature; Theories of Mind and Corporeality; Commentary Traditions

Michelle Hamilton

Michelle Hamilton



Cultural Contact in Medieval Iberia; Literary Theory and Cultural Studies; Hebrew and Arabic cultures of Europe; The Medieval Mediterranean and its Legacy; Sephardic Traditions; Mediterranean Studies; Religious Studies & Philosophies

Kelley Harness, smiling

Kelley Harness


Music and theater in Italian convents; 17th-century Italian opera; Musical intermedi in 16th-century spoken plays; Handel operas; African and Latin American music; 16th- and 17th-century musical patronage; Women and political legitimacy in early 17th-century Florence; Political imagery in Renaissance arts

Kat Hayes, Department of Anthropology, University of Minnesota

Kat Hayes



Historical archaeology; Settler Colonialism and Indigenous Studies; XR (extended reality) in heritage interpretation; Archaeological ethics and repatriation; Memory, forgetting, history, heritage

Michal Kobialka

Michal Kobialka


Eastern European theater; Literature; Theatre Historiography; Theatre History; Medieval Theatre; Avant-Garde Theatre and Drama

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Bernard Levinson


Jewish studies; history of interpretation; Hebrew Bible; Deuteronomy; cuneiform law; ancient Near Eastern studies; literary approaches to biblical studies; divine revelation

Dwight K. Lewis, Jr., a Black man with a mustache and beard, smiling and wearing a denim shirt, brown scarf, and cap.

Dwight K. Lewis, Jr.


History of Early Modern Philosophy; Philosophy of Human Difference (e.g., race, gender, sexuality, power, decoloniality, etc); Philosophy of Race/Africana Philosophy; Social Political Philosophy; Underrepresented Philosophers

Anatoly Liberman

Anatoly Liberman


Folklore; General linguistics; Germanic philology; Historical phonology and the origin of words; Languages and literature of the Middle Ages; Scandinavian mythology; Poetic translation; Literary criticism; Etymology; Creative witing; Russian literature; English literature

headshot of Nabil Matar

Nabil Matar


Arab-Islamic civilization; Seventeenth-Century English Religious literature; Arabic and European travel literature; Captivity Literature; Euro-Islamic contacts (early modern)

Raúl Marrero-Fente

Raúl Marrero-Fente


Colonial Latin America Literature and Culture; Early Modern Hispanic Epic Poetry; Latin American literature; Early Modern Spanish literature; Cuban literature; Legal History; Human Rights

MJ in Summer 2023

Mary Jo Maynes



European social history; France; Germany; History of female labor in European textile industries; History of the family; Ireland; Women; Personal narratives; Autobiography; The family in global history; History of childhood, youth, girlhood

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Stuart McLean


Philosophical anthropology; Experimental writing; Anthropology of Art; North Atlantic region; Landscape and environment

Michael Bennett McNulty pictured smiling, with glasses and a blue, buttoned-up, collared shirt.

Michael Bennett McNulty



Immanuel Kant; History and Philosophy of Science; History and Philosophy of Mathematics and Logic; Early Modern Philosophy; Philosophy of Sport

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Susan Noakes


French and Italian literature and poetry; Women's studies; Banking and economics in medieval literature; The Global Middle Ages

Jean O'Brien

Jean O'Brien



Native American and Indigenous Studies; State and Federal Recogntion; Settler Colonial Studies; US Colonialism

bild mit jacke

Matthias Rothe


Modernism; Aesthetics and Political Economy; Marxism; Political Theater and Theater History; DDR Kulturgeschichte

photo of Jennifer Row, an Asian-American woman smiling at the camera with shoulder-length hair and a sleeveless blouse

Jennifer Row



Queer theory; Disability Studies; Early Modern Dramatic Literature (French and English); Dance history and performance studies; Affect Theory; Histories and archives of sexuality and gender; Literary theory and history of rhetoric

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Nida Sajid


South Asian Literature and Culture; Intellectual History and Global Eighteenth Century; Empire and Postcolonial Studies; Gender and Sexuality Studies; Modern Muslim World and Islam in South Asia; Material Culture and Dress Studies

Picture of Andrew Scheil next to the statue of a famous literary critic

Andrew Scheil


Old English language and literature; literatures and cultures of late antiquity and the early Middle Ages; medieval Latin literature, Celtic and Germanic languages and literatures; Middle English literature and Early Modern/Renaissance literature; folklore and folktales; oral tradition; traditions of exegesis, historiography and geography in the Middle Ages; science-fiction, fantasy, and horror literature/media; reception of classical and biblical literature

Katherine Scheil

Katherine Scheil


18th-century literature; Shakespeare; early modern literature; theatre history and performance studies; archival study; history of reading; women's studies/feminist criticism/history of women

Daniel Schroeter

Daniel Schroeter


Muslim-Jewish Relations; Jewish history of North Africa and the Western Mediterranean, early-modern to modern; Moroccan history; Colonialism and the Jews in the Middle East and North Africa; Holocaust Studies; History of Israel and Palestine

Professor J.B. Shank, Department of History

JB Shank


European Intellectual and Cultural History; The Cultural History of Modern Science; European Thought and Culture before 1850; The "Scientific Revolution," Enlightenment Science, and Newtonianism; Old Regime Society, especially in France and Italy; The History of Silicon Valley

B&w profile pic; Caucasian female, late-30s, dark hair, space-dye sweater

Rachel Trocchio


17th- through 19th-century American literature; Puritanism and Puritan literary studies; Early Modern studies; religion and cognition; intellectual history

Ann Waltner

Ann Waltner


ritual; law; religion; traditional Chinese social history; gender; analysis of historical documentation; rumor; gossip; chinese history; world history; feminism

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John Watkins


historiography; sovereignty and queenship; medieval and early modern diplomacy; premodern political culture; classical and medieval origins of the Renaissance; Mediterranean Studies

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Peter Wells


material culture; visual representation; central Europe; culture contact; European prehistory; frontiers; Iron Age; late prehistory; Roman and early medieval periods; Roman Europe; identity; ancient Germans; ancient Celts

Headshot of Travis Workman

Travis Workman

he / his/ him


Korean and Japanese literature; Intellectual history; Film and media; Melodrama; Humanism and its critiques; Translation

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Amit Yahav



Eighteenth-century British literature and culture; The novel; Romanticism; Aesthetics; Literary, cultural, and political theory; History of Popular Culture: Leisure